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Scenery the artistic venue that is placed upon Mother Earth.
Wow this covers a lot of topic on this particular art. There
are forest sceneries, mountain sceneries, there are ocean, and
lake sceneries, and many more that would take more than my
lifetime to explore.

For this section of photography I will talk about the lake, and
woods scenery. Mother Nature has provided us with a vast venue of
art from the many different sizes, and shapes of trees to the plant
life that surrounds it. She places a body of water with in the gates
of the trees perhaps to add a splash of color. This is one of my
favorite pictures to photograph as the sturdiness of the trees present
structure. The vast colors of the plant life, and different shades of
green that go with it remind me of the vast different colors of man.
The way the body of water is presented with in the nurturing comfort
of the trees almost as if it were natures bed provided to us to lay
down upon. All of this provides me with a strong sense of home.

New Swamp Photos

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Click on the titles to view larger.

Photo titled Canoe Trip
Photo titled Canoe Trip

Photo titled Colors in Dream Realm
Colors in Dream Realm

          Photo titled The Magic of Nature
          The Magic of Nature

          Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest
          Vision Quest

New Photos taken in Georgia State Parks.

Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest           Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest

Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest

New Photos taken in Cape May NJ.

Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest           Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest

Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest           Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest

Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest           Photo titled Sunset In Vision Quest

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I enjoy photographing this type of scenery in order to show
others of the truly artistic nature of the Mother Earth.

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